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NeuroData: An Explanation

In modern science, breakthroughs often occur at the intersection of multiple disciplines. NeuroData, a pioneering, innovative MSc in Brain and Data Science, will create impact through multidisciplinary research and educational innovation.

This holistic approach to students’ training will enable them to forge new mindsets and approaches while increasing individual contributions to a knowledge-based economy and society. The possibilities for ground-breaking, cutting-edge discoveries are enormous.

 The integrated multidisciplinary brain and data science curriculum will cultivate researchers with in-depth knowledge in both fields.

Programme Overview

The first year of the programme is spent at Bar-Ilan University. All students from multidisciplinary backgrounds will receive essential training in neuroscience and data science tailored according to their undergraduate studies and designed to bring all students to the same level in both subjects. During this year, students will be integrated into the vibrant teaching and research environment of the Gonda Multidisciplinary Brain Research Center. The first year in Israel is mandatory for all students. 

This will be followed by two compulsory weeks at the University of Zagreb for a tailor-made summer school programme for the NeuroData degree. The aim of the summer school is to expose students to advanced neuroscience and data science topics, enable them to present their progress and finalise a thesis mentor, meet professors and mentors from the partner universities, and to have fun and socialise.

Students will spend the second year at one of the four partner institutions studying their sub-specialty of choice and working on a research thesis.

Structure of program mobility
Study Tracks – Second-Year
Biomedical Engineering
Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon, Portugal

This track focuses on neuroscience's biomedical and data science engineering aspects and biomedical and data science engineering applications for brain research and technologies.


Cognitive Neuroscience and Clinical Neuropsychology with Data Processing
University of Padua, Italy

This track is designed for students with a BA in Psychology, specialising in cognitive neuroscience and data science. The curriculum focuses on basic and clinical aspects of cognitive neurosciences and data science applications in this field.


Systems Neuroscience and Data Processing
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands

This track will concentrate on systems neuroscience and data processing and provide knowledge on this field's clinical and translational applications.


Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging with Data Processing
University of Jyväskylä, Finland

This track specialises in neuroimaging and data processing. The curriculum provides advanced knowledge in cognitive neuroscience, neuroimaging techniques, and data science-orientated data analysis and visualisation in this field.

Mobility rules for Erasmus Mundus scholarship holders. 


Erasmus Mundus Scholarship holders students must perform at least two mobilities in two different countries not being the country of residence at the time of enrolment. 

In the NeuroData programme this implies for most students: 1st  year at Bar-Ilan University; 2nd  year can be spent at the University of Lisbon or at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, or the University of Jyväskylä or at the University of Padua. 


If you are a scholarship holder residing in one of the consortium countries at the time of enrolment, you must choose a specific study track in order to be eligible for the Erasmus Mundus scholarship. Below are some examples:

  • Student currently residing in Italy: 1st  year at Bar-Ilan University; 2nd  year can be spent at the University of Lisbon or at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam or at the University of Jyväskylä (the University of Padua cannot be chosen)

  • Student currently residing in Portugal: 1st  year at Bar-Ilan University; 2nd year can be spent at the University of Padua  or at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam or at the University of Jyväskylä (the University of Lisbon cannot be chosen)

  • Student currently residing in the Netherlands:  1st  year at Bar-Ilan University; 2nd year can be spent at the University of Padua or at the University of Lisbon or at the University of Jyväskylä (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam cannot be chosen).

  • Students currently residing in Israel should contact the coordinating office to inquire about mobility options.

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